The Hoffman Chronicles, Vol 2, Episode 12: A Queek Peek
Greetings, dear listeners! The heroes of NPC Inc. are back, and happy birthday? It might not be your birthday, but for some reason the cast really wanted to wish you one anyway. To catch you up, our heroes triumphed over some of the accounting department’s meanest employees only to watch in horror as their manager Hobe Shadetree was pulled deeper into the foul-smelling, brutally cold accounting department. Can our heroes come up with a plan to pull Hobe from the “stink zone”? Or will they spend so much time experimenting with holding their breath, hacking the AC, and using plants to purify the air that Hobe is lost forever? Also when are they ever going to have time for lunch??
In this episode
Agnes drops some Danny Devito based lore
Maxwell becomes Static Shock
Gerbbi makes a confession
Tory learns what a fob is
And Stuart bets it all on a coin toss
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The Hoffman Chronicles, Vol 2, Episode 12: A Queek Peek