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NPC Incorporated, DM in the PM: Employee Evaluations, Pt 1., Meadow Kei Lillium

In this episode of DM in the PM, DM Hobert sits down with new cast member Meadow Kei Lillium to talk about June Esmond, her character for our upcoming new NPC inc. campaign. Meadow and Hobert chat about June’s backstory, and work together to create the “mundane version” of Meadow’s firbolg cleric. Afterward, Hobert gives Meadow some insight into the world and office setting for the campaign, and a Mysterious Voice asks June some important questions.

Also, check out new episodes of DM in the PM, a chat show for DMs and the TTRPG curious, and our bi-monthly Mandatory Work Outing one shot D&D adventures on the NPC inc. Twitch! 

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DM in the PM: Employee Evaluations, Pt 1., Meadow Kei Lillium NPC Incorporated