Starting a Nanny Adjacent Business


So many nannies are feeling burnt out and overwhelmed right now. Many are considering leaving the nanny world forever. Nanny Kim joins us this week to talk about nanny burnout and how you can turn your passions as a nanny into a lucrative business! There are so many goodies in this almost two hour episode because Nanny Kim is a fountain of resources to make your nanny life better!

Find Nanny Kim and all her amazing projects at:

Nanny Kim's Resources:

Smart Box 2 Go: my curated, kids toy box from ages 0- 36 months that has natural items to help with child development. Can be found on my website or Facebook & Instagram @nannykimsmartbox

NannyPreneur Magazine: A Nanny Lifestyle and Entrepreneurship Magazine that allows Nannies with businesses and Childcare Industry related businesses to advertise all in one place. With some Entrepreneur related articles, info, and interviews. Website coming, but can be found on Facebook & Instagram @NannyPreneurMag

How To Find The Perfect Nanny: