The Hoffman Chronicles, Vol 2, Chapter 5: Daves and Davejobs

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Stuart is trapped in the HR dungeon, dear listeners! But at least he’s trapped with the strangely warm and gentle accountant, Dave. Dave seems great, right? And Stuart’s going to need all the help he can get as Dr. Gregsteen stages an uncomfortable meet ’n’ greet for Ted, the Perfect Employee. From the HR copier room, Agnes and Gerbbi plan a jail break for their IT friend, while Maxwell takes a trip to the basement storage with Jill Tan, the hobgoblin contractor, and Tory takes a well deserved smoke break. Can our heroes escape with their sanity intact? Will Maxwell fulfill his promise to bring Thaddeus the box of H & H Business manuals? What’s the deal with this Dave guy? Why is he so chill?

In this episode

  • Gerbbi keeps changes sizes

  • Agnes rushes in and turns off the lights

  • Tory experiences an ass-related time paradox

  • Maxwell struggle to remember any other employees’ names

  • And Stuart learns a valuable lesson about not making friends