Brandon Kirkman

Podzooky Episode 124: Gorgo (with special guest Scott Meyer)

Podzooky Episode 124: Gorgo (with special guest Scott Meyer)

We got a humdinger for today's Podzooky to finish out January 2025 strong. It's special guest Scott Meyer talking about the monster movie Gorgo with the Kaiju Hollywood bad boys Brandon, Martin and Luke, all thanks to a special request from a very British fan. What a great reminder to email us your suggestions and weird writings to! This one gets wild fast with the highlights being the new rules of Podzooky (I will not write out all 5), Perfect actors for bad people and quite a few interesting recommendations at the end. 

Episode 123: Hundreds of Beavers (with special guest Caitlin Checkeroski)

Episode 123: Hundreds of Beavers (with special guest Caitlin Checkeroski)

We're not talking about just 10 beavers, or 27 beavers, but we're talking Hundreds of Beavers on this episode of Podzooky with special guest Caitlin Checkeroski. The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Brandon, Martin and Luke get into it with Caitlin chatting about bits being pushed too far, boy coded media and is this movie actually Scarface? Amazing Beaver times all around. 

The Podzooky and Super Sentai Brothers Christmas Spooktacular with special guest Jonathan Shannon who is also Santa Claus Inbox

The Podzooky and Super Sentai Brothers Christmas Spooktacular with special guest Jonathan Shannon who is also Santa Claus Inbox

Ho ho ho! Welcome, fans of Podzooky and the Super Sentai Brothers Side Project for our 1st ever Podzooky and Super Sentai Brothers Christmas Spooktacular with special guest Jonathan Shannon and Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boy Brandon getting deep into some weird Christmas finds. We talk about 3 wild Tokusatsu Christmas specials (Gaoranger, Kamen Rider and Kakurangers) while going over some of our favorite media over the year of 2024. Come for the jokes about Centipede demons, stay for the insanity of trying to explain "Claus Rangers". 

Podzooky Episode 122: Reptilian (with special guest Knute Gregory)

Podzooky Episode 122: Reptilian (with special guest Knute Gregory)

Special guest and local comedian Knute Gregory has come to assist the Hollywood Kaiju Badbois in reviewing and unpacking the 1999 Sci-fi schlock classic, Reptilian (Yonggary). Will they spend too long on a bit they ended up cutting, Yes. Will they discuss stupid jetpacks? Also yes. Will they bring up Italians? It wouldn’t be Podzooky if they didn’t!

Episode 121: C.H.U.D. (with special guest Michael Serio)

Episode 121: C.H.U.D. (with special guest Michael Serio)

Happy Halloween, y'all! We're coming at you with one more underground spooky movie for this October with C.H.U.D. The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Martin, Luke and Brandon have on special guest Michael Serio to get into some discussions on C.H.U.D. blood, Sword shops in malls and why we need to get cocaine back in movies. 

Episode 120: Tremors (With Special Guest Hobert Thompson)

Episode 120: Tremors (With Special Guest Hobert Thompson)

The Hollywood Kaiju Badbois are back, and with the assistance of special guest Hobert Thompson, (NPC Incorporated, Please make this) they’re having a great time discussing the 1990’s classic, Tremors. Join us as we gush over Reba McEntire, discus a classic case of “the not-gays,” and talk love/hate of Zydeco music.

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 10: A lotta Caveman talk

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 10: A lotta Caveman talk

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project has returned, WITH A VENGEANCE, with special guest Marcus Banks. The Kansas City Kaijins have just been reduced to Brandon and Zach but we remain vigilant and silly as we get deep into some Sentai. That's right, We're talking episodes 34, 35 and 36 of Himitsu Sentai Gorangers and spend more time than you'd think talking about cavemen. 

Episode 119: Black Adam (with special guest Dane Arden)

Episode 119: Black Adam (with special guest Dane Arden)

We had a month off but we're back and ready to talk about a movie everyone already forgot about! That's right, the Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Martin, Brandon and Luke are talking Black Adam with special guest and energy drink enthusiast Dane Arden. Talking points include how cool smartphones are, the funniest scene in any DCU movie and the need for weed.

Episode 118: Monarch: A Legacy of Monsters (with the Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys)

Episode 118: Monarch: A Legacy of Monsters (with the Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys)

Podzooky has finally done it, a whole year later! The Kaiju Hollywood bad boys Luke, Brandon and Martin are chatting about the first 3 episodes of Monarch: A Legacy of Monsters and boy, are their brains tired. Talking points include the kooky Godzilla conspiracy theories, Dong: Dome Island and why IPs are killing all forms of fun and media. This one is a HOOT!

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 09: Sick Seg!

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 09: Sick Seg!

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project is back with special guest and all around king Aaron Klopfer! This episode, we are down to just Brandon and Zach co-hosting due to Nathan being at the Music Box for a 24 hour repeat screening of Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. We're talking episodes 31, 32 and 33 of Himitsu Sentai Gorangers and boy howdy, do we love what we see.

Episode 117: Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire (With Special Guest Ian Erickson)

Episode 117: Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire (With Special Guest Ian Erickson)

Podzooky is keeping up with its namesake and talking Godzilla this episode! The Kaiju Hollywood bad boys Luke, Brandon and Martin are ready to talk about Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire (be forewarned, we spoil the whole plot) with the metaphysically returning guest and great Chicago comedian Ian Erickson. Talking points include the Joker in Godzilla 2014, sexy lady apes and hamburger. 

Episode 116: Starship Troopers (With Special Guest Madeline Esterhammer-Fic)

Episode 116: Starship Troopers (With Special Guest Madeline Esterhammer-Fic)

Special guest and Chicago comedian Madeline Esterhammer-Fic has come to assist the Hollywood Kaiju Badbois in reviewing and unpacking the 1997 Paul Verhoven directed Sci-fi classic, Starship Troopers. Will we discuss fascism? Yes. Will we discuss Flipball? Also yes. Will we bring up 9/11? It wouldn’t be Podzooky if we didn’t.

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 08: The People's Ranger

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 08: The People's Ranger

Yet another one, it's the return of the Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project with special guest comedian and cool band member of Passioncat Jonathan Shannon! This episode, it's just Brandon and Zach co-hosting due to life clowning on Nathan and they talk episodes 28, 29 and 30 of Himitsu Sentai Gorangers which are reaching new insane heights. Talking points include the People's Ranger, Red finally loosening up and going even more experimental. 

Episode 115: Big Money Hustlas with Zwick the Editor

Episode 115: Big Money Hustlas with Zwick the Editor

Whoop whoop! Podzooky is here with the Kaiju Hollywood bad boys Luke, Brandon and Martin to talk about Big Money Hustlas, the infamous Insane Clown Posse movie, with Juggalo and Thought Cops alumni Zwick the Editor. That last sentence was quite a word salad. Talking points include Napoleon Dynamite Neurodivergent, failing with family and, of course, Faygo.

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 07: Penile Contact

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 07: Penile Contact

Oh wow, it's the triumphant return of the Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project with special guest comedian and Power Rangers expert James Fisher Jr.! This episode, it's just Brandon and Nathan co-hosting together with James to talk about episodes 24, 25, 26 and 27 of Himitsu Sentai Gorangers and it is a very fun time. Talking points include the Mido Ranger needing to calm down, the most miraculous nut hit and a bunch of Power Rangers chat. 

Episode 114: Godzilla Minus One with Nick Crispino

Episode 114: Godzilla Minus One with Nick Crispino

Zookeepers, it's a big one! A big minus one! The Kaiju Hollywood Badboys Martin, Luke and Brandon are finally ready to talk Godzilla Minus One with special guest and 'zilla expert Nick Crispino of Kaiju Junkie and Kaiju United fame. This entire episode goes deep into Godzilla Minus One so you have been forewarned before starting this episode if you haven't seen Minus One yet. Highlights include great characters with even better hair, Kamikazing the ocean in spite of King Neptune and Ron Canada being in the Fritz the Cat of rap biopics.

Episode 113: Santa Jaws with Logan Nielsen and Dustin Pixley of Quality Home Entertainment

Episode 113: Santa Jaws with Logan Nielsen and Dustin Pixley of Quality Home Entertainment

Ho ho ho! HO HO HO! HOHOHO!!! The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Martin, Brandon and Luke had Logan Nielsen back with his good friend Dustin Pixley of Quality Home Entertainment to talk shark this Christmas season by watching and reviewing the yuletide classic Santa Jaws. Highlights include Memento but for podcasts, Bayou dirt and a stupid game section that had to be heavily edited!

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 06: Evil people love to tunnel

The Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project Episode 06: Evil people love to tunnel

Finally, a new Podzooky Super Sentai Brothers Side Project, with a TWIST! The twist is one of our delightful co-hosts, Nathan, was out for surgery (and doing better now) so it was just Brandon and Zach helming the show to talk episode 20 through 23 with the very special guest Georgia Gove who you already know and love from Podzooky! Highlights include neurodivergent cowboy boy, letting babies smoke and good things to put in chili. 

Episode 112: Five Nights at Freddy's with Brian and Jim of DBPG

Episode 112: Five Nights at Freddy's with Brian and Jim of DBPG

It's the first ever annual Fredsgiving on Podzooky! That's right, the Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Martin, Brandon and Luke are talking about the Five Nights at Freddy's movie with Brian and Jim from Drink a Beer and Play a Game and we had a ball! Highlights include terrible streamers on the silver screen, gay anime not gay enough for the intended audience and that movie where the cars hump each other.