Adam Kwaselow

Episode 102: Weird The Al Yankovic Story (with special guest Adam Kwaselow)

Episode 102: Weird The Al Yankovic Story (with special guest Adam Kwaselow)

Two episodes in one month? Nope, psyche! It's December already but nonetheless, the Kaiju Hollywood bad boys Luke, Martin and Brandon are back and have returning guest and roast master supreme Adam Kwaselow to talk about Weird: the Al Yankovic Story because the ultimate Kaiju is parody songs. Highlights include a whole bunch of Weird Al trivia, a perfectly placed ligma joke and proof the founding fathers were a bunch of sex freaks.

Also shout out to the indomitable Zwick for editing this episode and doing the intro (our favorite Thought Cop)

Episode 87: THE Suicide Squad (with special guest Adam Kwaselow)

Episode 87: THE Suicide Squad (with special guest Adam Kwaselow)

The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Luke, Brandon and Martin got another hot plate of Podzooky for you to woof down and we're talking about the newly released THE Suicide Squad with Adam Kwaselow this week! It's got thrills, it's got spills and most importantly, it's got spills again! Highlights include taking about Knuckles bringing the next sexual revolution, 70s cartoons making Luke stay up at night and Milf: the mom! As you can tell, it's another very highbrow episode.