The wait is over, the second part of Godzilla Singular Point recap and discussion is here! The Kaiju Hollywood Bad boys Brandon, Martin and Luke talk about episodes 5 through 8 of the new Netflix show Godzilla Singular Point with special guest and fantastic comedian James Fisher. Talking points include the drippy nut, exposition buffets and the Orthogonal Diagonizlier!
Happy Insurrection day Zookeepers! The Hollywood (Elite) Kaiju Badbois are back, and with the completely not heavily planned out in advance assistance from special guest Nick Johnson, they’re talking about the anointed one. The one destined to lead us in the fight against pizza, and prove that Orange Man Good? Q starts making way more sense when you realize all of those tweets came from an ancient Bird Dragon God!
The Hollywood Kaiju Badbois are back, and with the assistance of special guest Meadow Lillium, (NPC Incorporated) they’re taking a swing at the 1974 copyright nightmare masterpiece, Hanuman and the 5 Riders! Will there be blood slapstick? Are there really 5 riders? Is Hellking both handsome and thoughtful? Find out the answers to all of these questions, and more in another classic Podzooky episode. (The Toei Company in no way endorses, or otherwise supports the contents of this podcast, or the movie on which the discussion is based.)
Hentai, Tokusatsu and Johnny Yung Bosch: sounds like the perfect ingredients to a wonderful Podzooky episode! This week the Kaiju Hollywood Bad boys Brandon, Martin and Luke talk about the first 4 episodes of the new Netflix show Godzilla Singular Point with special guest and fantastic comedian James Fisher. Talking points include shit talking Chicago comedy, amazing Johnny Yung Bosch stories and getting deep into the 'zilla lore.
Zookeepers, rejoice! We have Kelly Opalko back on Podzooky this week with the Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Martin, Brandon and Luke to talk about the 2018 movie Rampage starring the Rock and forgotten by most everyone already! Highlights include vore easter eggs, Safari Rock mode and the Dave Matthews poop bridge.
Your favorite Kaiju Hollywood Bad Bois are back for another episode, and special guest Olivia Perry joins us to talk about Godzilla 2000, a film so monotonous we would honestly not be surprised if this were the nineteen hundredth, ninety-ninth sequel to the original Godzilla. Listen to this extra special Halloween episode so you can join us for thrills, chills, spills, and a fourth thing that follows this rhyming convention!
It's done, everyone, IT'S DONE! We did it! Congratulations! The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Martin, Brandon and Luke had Jon Lyons back to talk about the last Evangelion rebuild movie aptly titled Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time. Wow, this is a really confusing intro but I promise you, it's a great episode. Also listen to this whole thing if you want to find out about our Payday contest.
Holy moly, the Kaiju Hollywood bad boys Martin, Brandon and Luke are actually doing it! They're talking about the last two Evangelion rebuild movies with special guest and returning champion Jon Lyons! Originally we were going to try to do both in one episode but it got too big so enjoy a mini-episode of discussing the 3rd Evangelion movie and look forward to a full episode for the next release of Podzooky when we discuss the 4th and final film.
Blub blub blub! We're underwater this week with Podzooky and the Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Brandon, Martin and Luke are talking about the aptly named film Underwater with special guest Rudy Schultz. Highlights include working for Big Water, turning your bones into chocolate and skipping!
Ya take one part Gremlins, one part the distillation of the horrors of the Military Industrial Complex, add a pinch of Phil Hartman, and cover in a reasonable layer of cheese. Bam, you don’t only have yourself a movie, you’ve got the cinematic masterpiece Small Soldiers which the Hollywood Kaiju Badboys are back to discuss with their special musical guest, Slime Da Garbage Mane. We go deep, and we go hard, so grab some popcorn, because this episode is almost as long as the movie we’re talkin’ about!
The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Luke, Brandon and Martin got another hot plate of Podzooky for you to woof down and we're talking about the newly released THE Suicide Squad with Adam Kwaselow this week! It's got thrills, it's got spills and most importantly, it's got spills again! Highlights include taking about Knuckles bringing the next sexual revolution, 70s cartoons making Luke stay up at night and Milf: the mom! As you can tell, it's another very highbrow episode.
What movie lurks in the heart of all blockbuster flops? The Shadow does! That kind of worked?! Anyways, Podzooky is back with another scorcher of an episode with returning champion Jonathan Shannon to talk about the 1994 forgotten masterpiece of mediocrity The Shadow. In this episode we discuss Sloppers, falling off buildings for comedic effect and Pneumatic tubes.
Mechanical Violator Hakaider never won an Oscar, and we believe that’s possibly the greatest crime that Hollywood ever has, or ever will commit. Join the Hollywood Kaiju Badboys with Special Guest Jay Vasquez in appreciating one of Japans best and most outrageous Tokusatsu films. Talking points include anime, video games, anime videogames, and even a little about videogame anime, all in service of hyping up our true lord and savior, Mechanical Violator Hakaider. (you gotta say the full name, or else it’s kinda disrespectful.)
The Hollywood Kaiju badboys are back with special returning Champion Tyler Jackson to tear down the 2003 cinematic achievement that is The Cat in the Hat. What exactly does it achieve? We’ve watched it, and we’re still not entirely sure, but take a listen if you wanna hear about all of the far better things that the movie vaguely reminded us of!
The towns are back in boys! THE TOWNS ARE BACK IN BOYS! That's right, the Kaiju Hollywood Bad boys Martin, Luke and Brandon had on the super talented/super hilarious Jess Martínez to talk about the 1993 tokusatsu movie classic Kamen Rider Zo. It's a wet, goopy movie full of naked men in forests. This will all make sense if you listen to the episode, I promise!
Podzooky is back, and this episode we’ve got on special guest Grant Mooney (One of the wonderful hosts of Thought Cops) who was kind enough to join us in dissecting the best the American live action mech genre had to offer in 1989. (Spoiler, the best ain’t that good.) Join us as we discuss the finer points of shattering the giant robot glass ceiling, Chekhov’s towels, and question why lady footlocker had to be a whole other store?
It's time for a second dose of Kevin Podas (one of the delightful hosts of Thought Cops) on Podzooky as we discuss the stone cold classic movie No Country for Old Men. Why'd we pick it? We just wanted to watch something good for once. Be nice to us! Martin, Luke and Brandon just had to recently sit through the Cat in the Hat and it was a lot to process. Talking points for this episode include confirmed monster Adam Drive, Johnny Appleseed's real height and when to truly end things.
Mecha March Madness 2021 continues well into April for reasons not clear, or ever questioned. The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys are back for another night of high quality anime and they invited artist/streamer Michael Kudo (@Rideth_mochi) to discuss the finer points of mobile suits and Gundam in general. It's a great time if you either love anime, or hate anime, and yourself.
EMERGENCY PODZOOKY ALERT: A new Godzilla movie and a new Kong movie came out and it's the same movie?! You know we gotta get into it as soon as possible. The Hollywood Kaiju Bad Boys Martin, Brandon and Luke had on special guest Jon Lyons to talk about the new kaiju throw down. Talking points include wet ape to air ape, which kaiju is circumcised and meatball sandwiches. Also stick around for a drop in from fan favorite Aaron Klopfer at the end!
March Mecha Madness 2021 continues with the Hollywood Kaiju Bad Boys Luke, Martin and Brandon talking about the second installment of eva rebuild movies, Evangelion 2.0, with all around great comedian/podcaster/huge eva fan Keith Paesel. We shortened the title because they really need to calm down with these naming conventions! Talking points include why giant knives are always cool, weed memory during the pandemic and silly teens ending the world.